
Showing posts from July, 2018

Gospel of Grace!

Gospel of Grace! Introduction: There is relations between grace and faith . Grace--given everything; faith--taking everything. If nothing is given, we can't take anything . {E.g..God has given everything through heavenly relam or spiritual world, we should take it through our Faith, it's working like a bridge to connect spiritual world and physical world} This teaching is related to faith. We need deep revelation about grace of God. Many doesn't know about grace, they always problem with receiving because they thought their works only giving everything, they confused with grace with deeds and finally they concluded everything we will receive according to our works-good works! If we approach God according to our good works, there is no room for faith! At the same time Grace and worthiness can't dwell each..E.g.. Ismael and Isaac (Gal 4) Paul was a good writer, he starts with problem of sin, fall of man and how he became sinner, finally he concluded...

Can a believer be demon-possessed?

Can a believer be demon-possessed? On the face of the following plain and positive promises of God, it is inconceivable how a child of God can be demon-possessed— "There is no sorcery against Jacob, nor is there any divination against Israel" (Num 23:23). "I give you authority over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you" (Lk 10:18,19). "My sheep hear My voice... My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of My Father's hand" (Jn 10:27-29). "He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world" (1 Jn 4:4). A believer may be afflicted or even controlled by demons in certain areas of his being, but he can never be owned as an unbeliever can be. We may be deceived, oppressed and obsessed but never possessed (Mt 24:24; 1 Pet 5:8,9). Demons may influence our thoughts, emotions and actions when we fail to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. Peter was once th...

Biblical view of Perfection!

Biblical view of Perfection Perfection is understood in the New Testament as growth and maturity. Apostle Paul speaks of personal perfection as well as corporate perfection as an ongoing process. "Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on" (Phil 3:12-15). "Till we all come... to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ... may grow up in all things" (Eph 4:13-15). The New Testament speaks about the "standing" as well as the "state" of God's children. Our standing is our position in Christ; our state refers to our practice. Here are a few examples: By standing "all" believers are saints before God (Rom 1:7; 1 Cor 1:2; Eph 1:1; etc). At the same time, we are called to be holy and walk holy (1 Pet 1:15,16). According to our standing, we are already complete in Christ (Col 2:10; but we are to "be made complete" in our state (2 Cor 13:9). Our life in Christ can b...

Can I know I am saved?

Can I know I am saved? Yes, salvation is both a present reality and a future prospect. Apostle John writes, "We KNOW that we have passed from death to life" and "We KNOW that we are of God" (1 Jn 3:14; 5:19). When you receive Christ and believe on Him you are given the right to become a child of God (Jn 1:12). You are saved (Acts 16:31). Your sins are forgiven and you are washed by the blood of Jesus (Rev 1:5). This assurance is yours by the Holy Spirit. He bears witness with your spirit that you are a child of God (Rom 8:16). For this purpose He primarily employs the written Word of God (Jn 20:31). There will be certain positive indications when a person is saved. The guilt is gone and there is the joy of Salvation. A new love for God and His Word is born. Prayer becomes a delight. A desire to live holy is manifest. The very outlook on life is changed. Fellowship with the children of God is pleasant. A burden for the salvation of others is usually felt. These...

What Bible says about Deliverance ministry?

What Bible says about Deliverance ministry? If you are a soulwinning Christian you are already doing deliverance ministry, because salvation from sin is the greatest deliverance Jesus came to bring for mankind (Mt 1:21). It is erroneously thought that only those who are involved in the ministry of praying for the sick and casting out demons are in the deliverance ministry. This is only a part of the wholistic deliverance the Bible speaks about. A Biblical ministry of deliverance includes atleast seven aspects— a) Deliverance from the bondage of the Law Even though Christ has delivered us from the bondage of the Old Testament Law, numerous Christians do not enjoy the liberty in Christ Jesus (Rom 8:2,3; Gal 5:18). They live under the yoke of legalism which says, "Touch not, Taste not, Handle not!" (Col 2:20-22; Gal 5:1). This is due to a lack of understanding of the difference between Law and Grace (Jn 1:17). They never bubble with the joy of salvation. A spirit of gloomin...
How to overcome distractions in Prayer? Prayer is the underlying power to effectively wield any weapon of the whole armour of God (Eph 6:13-18). Therefore the devil does all that's possible to weaken our knees or divert our mind. Here's how you can defeat his mind-oriented strategy. Apart from maintaining a spirit of prayer "always" and "without ceasing," choose that hour for prayer when you are really fresh. Prayer involves mind, spirit, soul and all. Jesus often chose the early hours of the day for His secret communion with the Father (Mk 1:35). Hudson Taylor (1832-1905), the pioneer missionary to China, spent several hours in private devotion each morning before the sun rose. When we are physically and mentally exhausted, concentration in prayer is rather difficult. Prayer means going to the Throne of Grace. We have access to the same by the blood of Christ. A conscious acknowledgement of the power and the merits of the Blood gives us a strong footi...

Prepare to meet your God!

Prepare to meet your God!   This message is a comprehensive presentation of what the Bible teaches about the Second Coming of Christ and how you can become ready to meet Him. God loves you and longs to have you with Him in Heaven and enjoy eternal bliss forever and ever. He does not desire that you spend your eternity in hell. Dear friend, I plead with you to read carefully whatever is written here. It takes only thirty minutes. There are about 250 Bible references in this write-up. You don’t need to necessarily turn to all the references in the first reading. You may open your Bible and look at the verses in the subsequent readings. You will be thrilled to find out that things are so. This is a matter of “life or death,” “Heaven or Hell.” You cannot afford to take risks here. I pray that God would open your eyes of understanding as you read through these pages. The Holy Bible is the Word of God. It contains about 30,000 verses. Over 8000 of these verses contain predicti...