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Bible Study

Teaching about Baptism
  1. What is Water Baptism?
The word baptism comes from the Greek word baptizo which means to immerse or dip. To baptize something, then, means to completely submerge it in a liquid. In a biblical sense, to baptize a person in water means to put that person completely under the water, then immediately raise him or her up again.

According to the Bible, water baptism is a symbolic act whereby a new Christian identifies with Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection. Water baptism is a public profession of a person’s repentance and faith in Jesus Christ and a way of giving outward testimony to an inward work of God.
  1. What Does Water Baptism Signify?
    When God baptizes you into Christ, you become a new creation in your spirit, not in your body (flesh). Your body remains corruptible until the Resurrection (see John 6:39-40), but something inside changes. Your heart is washed clean by the blood of Jesus, and your spirit is quickened (made alive) by the Holy Spirit. You now have the ability to communicate with God, hear His voice, love and obey Him, overcome sin, and walk out your salvation by faith.

    Therefore, water baptism symbolically identifies us as new creations in Christ. By going down in the water, we illustrate that our old man is dead to sin and buried by faith in Christ. As a result, we are free from our old master Satan. By being raised up out of the water, we show that our new man is raised by the Spirit and made alive by faith in Christ. Since our new Master is the Lord Jesus, we commit to walk in righteousness (not by our old ways and fleshly habits but by our new life in Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit indwelling our spirit). “But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken [make alive] your mortal bodies by his
    Spirit that dwelleth in you” (Romans 8:11).
  1. Is Baptism Necessary for Salvation?
    The Bible tells us that there is a baptism necessary for salvation; however, A person must be spiritually baptized into Christ in order to be saved: “For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ” (Galatians 3:27). At the moment of repentance and faith in Jesus Christ.
4. Is Water Baptism Important? Water baptism is very important. As a first step of obedience in walking out one’s faith, a new Christian should most definitely be water baptized because the Bible commands it! Furthermore, water baptism helps new believers understand the spiritual truth that according to their faith, their old man is dead in Christ and their new man is alive in Christ. (Romans 6:6).
  1. Who Should Be Water Baptized?
    Water baptism is only appropriate for those who have repented of their sins and believed in Jesus with all of their heart. A biblical example comes from Acts 8:36-38. “And as they went on their way, they came unto a certain water: and the eunuch(he was financial minister) said, ‘See, here is water; what does hinder me to be baptized?’ And Philip said, ‘If you believe with all your heart, you may And he answered and said, ‘I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.’ And he commanded the chariot to stand still: and they went down both into the water, both Philip and the eunuch; and he baptized him.”
Some examples:
a) John the Baptist baptized those who would repent (Mark 1:5).
b) On the day of Pentecost, 3,000 new believers were baptized (Acts 2:41).
c) The Samaritans that believed were baptized (Acts 8:12).
d) Paul was baptized three days after he met Jesus on the road to Damascus (Acts 9:18).
  1. Is it biblical to baptize a baby?
    No, there is no scriptural basis for infant baptism. How can you be baptized into One on Whom you do not believe? Baptism is an act of faith by one who chooses to identify his life with Christ, and a baby is not yet able to make such a choice.
  1. How many times we should take Baptism 
    A new believer should be baptized once in obedience to the command of Jesus. Some people, however, may have been baptized earlier in their life (such as in the case of infant baptism) without understanding the significance of baptism, or perhaps they did not truly repent and receive Jesus as their Savior. In such cases it is very important to be re-baptized as a public profession of faith.
  1. Which name we should take Baptism
Water baptism is done in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit according to the great commandment of Jesus in Matthew 28:19. Only “one Lord, one faith, one baptism” (Ephesians 4:5). There is not a ritualistic formula for water baptism, nor does it matter whether a person is baptized in a river, lake, pool, or church baptistry. Baptism is all about faith, identifying with Christ, and walking in newness of life.
  1. What are the benefits of taking Baptisma.                      a) A person will be saved (worthy to enter into Heaven Joh 3:16.)                                        b) Gifts of the Holy Spirit will be received (Acts 2:38)             c) Privilege to inherit blessings of Abraham (Gal 3:27-29)
  1. How we should live after Baptism
Be devoted in the following aspects:
  1. a) Prayer
  2. b) Bible meditation
  3. c) Church fellowship
  4. d) Holy communion
And don’t forget to share your testimony what Lord has done in your life!
Teaching about Grace
Gospel of grace
Introduction :
Teaching about grace: There is relations between grace and faith. Grace–given everything; faith–taking everything. If nothing is given, we can’t take anything. Given is important and taking also important. God has given everything but there is no one to take, this teaching is related to faith. We need deep revelation about grace of God, how grace will save, how grace is given everything. Many doesn’t know about grace, they always problem withreceiving because they thought their works only giving everything, they confused with grace with deeds and finally they concluded everything we will receive according to our works-good works! If we approach God according to our good works, there is no room for faith!
We going to deal with all these truths…
1. How should we saved by grace:
Paul was a good writer, he starts with problem of sin, fall of man and how he became sinner, finally he concluded “no one is righteous in the world” after that in 3 chapter he gave the solution in verse 24.
Problem of man: Man has fallen into sin and he became sinner, he can’t stand before God and he can’t
relationship with Him. God will not look sin, He can’t fellowship with sinner, He expect a holy and righteous man like Him but it’s impossible because no one is righteous in the world. Law underlined all this truth and God gave ten commandments it’s called higher commandments, if we fulfill all commandments we can stand before Him, the problem is man can’t fulfill all commandments even he fulfilled 9 commandments its not fulfilled in the sight of God, 90% is failed mark in sight of God(James.2:10)
He designed like that, deliberately he gave ten commandments, man should know and realize that he can’t able and has no remedy for problem of sin!
God demands a man like Him holy, perfect and righteous. Whole humanity needs this qualification but the problem is no one is righteous and holy!
How can get this qualifications, where can get this qualifications, through Gospel of grace we get all answers. Here only we see the different between religion and Christianity, in all religion problem is same, they talks about sin but they used to tell “if you do this you will get salvation” the list goes on…theyadopt this method to find God but Christianity states that problem was big and God has to tell the solution because no man has solution, if even he has solution but can’t fulfill. God has to come and give solution this is teaching of Gospel! So God sent His son, He died behalf on whole humanity and redeemed from all sins on the cross! If we believe redemption work of God on the cross, the righteous of son of God will be giving like a garment, Jesus’ perfect moral character(holy and righteous) will be given like garment those who believe Lord Jesus! This is the Gospel we can’t understand in our narrow mind, it has done according to God’s wisdom. Now our defects will not shown outside because we are clothed by His holiness and righteousness like garment, we didn’t do anything but God has done everything, religion is demands big list “what should do, shouldn’t do” but Gospel is revealed what God has done! God never thinks man is lazy he can’t do anything but God only can do remedy for the sins of the world, no man can’t do remedy for sin even he give his life. Jesus is the perfect sacrifice, all the sacrifice in old testament speaks about Him only! We can’t add anything to God’s redemption work on the cross, simply we receive and accept plainly by faith!
By Grace…In Greek “Charis” which means “charity” a man gives as much as possible to a unworthy man, same way God also gives everything to a unworthy sinner!
Romans.3:24–four things…
1.Justification 2.Freely
3.By grace 4.Through redemption
Today many people feel hard to get anything from the Lord because they feel their unworthiness but the doesn’t know grace of God, he has given everything to humanity no place for qualifications. We should come out past things and understand revelation about amazing grace then only we have clear mind to draw near God by faith!
1.Justification: First we should understand verse says all are sinned against God no one righteous to get anything from Lord but verse 24 says good news that we have eternal life by grace.
“Fallen short of glory of God”…if we run a race up to one mile but we stopped in the middle and condemned because we didn’t complete, same way God expects something from us but we are unable to complete the task and became condemned according to law, now we are like criminal before God can’t escape from His wrath so God justified this type of wretched sinner!
What is justification?
It’s not all sins are forgiven, forgiveness is another subject.
“God has to certify that we are righteous and qualified to fulfill all His demands and came tostandered which God expects”
E.g…a criminal in the jail–judge has to tell he is innocent according to law
Husband and wife quarrelling each other–husband has to tell to his wife “you are innocent”
Only forgiveness is not solve problem of sin, God is going beyond forgiveness and He sees and declared us no guilty! or He sees us innocent and never sin against God through the perfection of His son Jesus Christ!
2.Freely: why He justified us? What is the motive? Is God made righteous us according to our goodness? No..never!! Actually there is no reason behind His redemption work, its purely His love because God is love!
3.By Grace: John.3:16– God loved “this much”…God gave His best Son to the wretched humanity even He can’t give more than Jesus!
a.Grace is sovereign (Rom.9)
God may bless and exalt anyone, we can’t ask any question.
b.Grace is unconditional..God never demand or any condition for Blessing. The world may see something in us but God never see any goodness in us still He loves us. Angeles are eagerly looking this amazing grace. If a man goes to hell, people will not surprise because wages of sin is death but if a man enter into heaven, it’s difficult to understand that how can a sinful man entered in heaven, that’s the grace of God!
d.Grace is exhaustive…The grace gives not only eternal life, but it gives power to over sin, enable to access all blessings in the world which God has kept for us!
e.Grace is costly…grace is free gift but its not cheap, why God wants to give freely because we can’t buy even we sold everything, it’s so expensive!
What’s that price…Jesus’ life and blood without blemish because of this price we got great salvation!
4.Through Redemption…In Greek commonly used a word “agarso” which means buy a slave in the market.
What is redemption: God has paid price freely and bought us and made His own people but in Rom.3:24 the word redemption is used different meaning..God has bought and release all our bondages and He accept “His beloved in Christ” in the God’s family…”You are free to stay with me” (E.g.prodigal son-Luke.15) so, redemption is not only justified it’s also accepted in God’s family and enjoy all blessings, what a Amazing grace!!
If we add any qualification to this Gospel it’s called to be another Gospel!
Grace is unmerited and undeserved favor to the unworthy sinner!
There is big relationship between grace and faith, in salvation both are working together. Grace is giving salvation faith is taking salvation. So, grace and faith always mingled each others, not only salvation all the Blessing from God will access according to this formula., prosperity etc.,
Salvation is best illustration to understand God’s grace, next we will see how to live by grace, we going to deal very practical matters, even Paul also using same method. First he used to tell doctrinal issues then he used to teach how to practice the doctrine.
In creation, God has revealed His wisdom and knowledge, He created everything by His word. First two chapters revealed pure display of God’s power in His word and also God’s love is revealed…He has created everything for man, then finally created the man.
God’s love: He kept only begotten son Jesus then He decided to create sons and daughters like Jesus for Him!
Grace is revealed only after the fall of man, grace is not showing love to His children but grace is showing love to wretched sinner! If we understand God’s grace easily we can understand who is God, what He has done for us.
How people come to Jesus, first they heard about Him..He is healer, He is helper, He is giver etc., if we see grace of God our faith will be build up. The law came from Moses but grace comes through Jesus, if see Jesus closely we can understand grace of God!
In Luke.24:13ff… Jesus hiding Himself to the His children why He hiding Himself because they shouldn’t see Himself through flesh rather they should know Jesus through Scripture, Jesus wants us to concentrate on Scriptures not flesh. Jesus was explaining Himself In the Scriptures, their heart were burning and something happening inside..there is not only surprise but great knowledge of Christ. Today God wants us to know Jesus in this manner even New testament teaches like this, in 2Cor.5chapter, Paul states that we are not see Jesus in the flesh. Here we can see how we observe communion, we should not take with sorrow attitude rather we have to celebrate because Jesus is risen from the dead! Communion is not revel sorrow or sin confession but it’s revelation about what Jesus has done on the cross!
2Cor.8:9…Paul was telling already you know about grace of God, i taught much about this subject, he just mentioned one aspect in his teachings that is prosperity. Many preachers doesn’t know prosperity but they wants to teach Jesus is poor man and impact this negative aspect on the lives of the people and make them poor(2Cor.5:21)
Salvation only highlights the grace of God!


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