Sermon Outlines

Sermon Outline

(1) Topic: A Invitation from the Palace
1. To show God’s favour!
2. To call people to live by God’s grace not live by the performance!
3. Always acknowledge that not our strength & talents only grace!

A Exposition on 2 Sam 9:1-11

When David became a king, he remembered one thing and asked
“Is there anyone still left of the Saul’s house to show kindness for Jonathan’s sake”
Kindness means, In Hebrew it’s grace!
He belongs to king’s family but his status was poor, because he was crippled. 2 Sam 4:4

His conditions:

1. He was born into a family that had been rejected by God,1 Sam 15:23. This family had once been in power, now they were out of favor with God and with men
2. Mephibosheth was a descendant of Saul, he too was put to death. 2 Sam 21:6-9
3. Mephibosheth was living in a place called “Lo Debar.”  that means “No Pasture.” or “No bread” or “Nothing” Mephibosheth was living in a place of poverty and want.

When Mephibosheth received king’s favour: he came from rejected family into king’s family! He filled with joy instead fear of death and he came from nothing into everything!
That’s grace of God!

Why Mephibosheth got king’s favour?
What is reason behind it?

(1 Sam 18:3, 20:14-17)

David & Jonathan were intimate friends; they were made covenant.
Because of this covenant, and Jonathan’s sake, David had shown favour to Mephibosheth..Amazing..!

God has made covenant with His people.
First He made covenant with:
1. Adam 2. Noah
3. Abraham 4. Moses
5. David 6. Philistines
7. New covenant (Jer 31:31-34, Mt 26:26-28 1 Cor 11:23-25)

Three character: (2 Sam 9:7)

1. David–Father God
2. Jonathan–Jesus Christ
3. Mephibosheth–God’s people

Covenant blessings: 2 Sam 9:7

1. Fear not!
2. For the sake of your Father Jonathan!
3. I will surely show you kindness!
4. I will restore to you!
5. You will always eat at my table!

1. Fear not–Encouragement
God is encouraging us again and again! “Fear not”…365 times
Jesus destroyed “fear of death” through His death of cross!

2. Because of Jesus–Hope!
We are blessed not our “goodness” because of “Finished work of Jesus on the cross”
Not our “filthy rags”; Jesus’ rope of righteousness!
Jesus for you…He is seated on the right hand of the Father to reigning and interceding for us!
(E.g Jacob..Gen 42:36)

3. I will surely show you kindness–Assurance
We can see assurance of God’s favour!
1. Jacob..Gen 33:9,11; 27:28,39
2. Prodigal son..Lk 15:17-24

4. I will restore to you-Restoration
Joel 2:25, 1 Sam 30

5. You will always eat at my table-Adoption as Sons & Daughters

(2) Topic : You will be blessing!

“You will be blessing” Gen 12:2
“You will be blessing to others” (NLT)

Receiving blessing from the Lord is one level, blessing to everyone is another level! It’ s like going to another mile (Matt 4:41)
Christian life is not only receiving forgiveness and going to heaven but it ‘ s living righteousness and blessing to everyone!
Christian life is not simply receiving power of the Holy Spirit but it’s being witnesses to utter most part of the world!
“You will exemplify divine blessing”(NET)
Exemplify means..God wants us to show an “illustration” to the world!
God has blessed Abraham like an “illustration” to the world!
He has blessed with spiritual & material blessings!

Abraham was…..
“Abraham became righteousness by faith” Rom 4:3
“Father of many Nations” Rom 4:17
“Father of Faith” Rom 4:16
“Friend of God” Jam 2:23
Other side he was blessed with material blessing Gen 13:2
Apostles..when the receiving Power of the Holy Spirit, they became blessing to everyone!

If we see outline of Joseph’s life, from the childhood to champion, he has been blessing to everyone!
Joseph was blessing when he born! he was blessing to his father!
he was blessing to his brothers!
he was blessing to his master!
he was blessing to jailor!
he was blessing to his friends!
he was blessing to king Pharaoh!
he was blessing to Egyptians!
he was blessing to all Nations!
he was blessing to future generation!

The “driving force” which leads to blessing to everyone! E.g: An illustration

1. VISION  Pro 29:18 Gen 37:5-10
What’s vision..?
“The ability to think about our future and have clear picture in our mind”
First God predestines a person, then He will call, then He will make covenant with him, then He impart vision and He carry till end!
In the days of our forefathers, no word of God, God used to speak through dreams & visions. God has shown His plan to Joseph through dream…he received it, understand it, saturated in it and he became dreamer!
This vision make him patients when he was in the suffering!
This vision only make him live holy life!
Those who received vision , they will meet evil but God will make every evil into good! This vision will take you into higher level. (Rom 8:28)
In Joseph’s life, he met different kinds of world (people)
..World of envy
..World of criticism
..World of selfish
..World of forgotten
..World of Blame shifting

2. GOD S GRACE Gen 39:2,3,21, 23
“Grace is unmerited favour to the unworthy person..we can’t deserved or earned by our good works!”
“Grace is a enabling power to achieve impossible things”
“God’s righteous at Christ’s expense!”
God bestowed His grace on Joseph Bible says…God was with Joseph… he became successful man!
he found favour in the eyes of potiphar!
God’s grace revealed in different situation

a. In the potiphar’s house
he entered potiphar’ s house as slave; because of God’s grace he became personal assistant to the potiphar!
Because of Joseph God blessed potiphar’s house, he became rich!
and he handed over everything under Joseph except his food

b. In the prison
In the jail…he entered as prisoner, because of God’s grace he became leader for prisoners!

c. In the palace
he came out ordinary man from the prison because of God’s grace he became unique person before Pharaoh!

3. HOLINESS  Gen 39:7-13
In the days Joseph, he had no Church, no youth meeting, he had no mentor but he lived holy life! he had power to say “no to sin”…because… – he realized that he had great responsible
– he consider himself as great!
– he consider sin as great!
–daily he had temptation but he did not yield!
Finally he ran from the sin…reasons:
Vision and God’s presence

4. HUMBLENESS Gen 41:16
When he interpret dream before pharaoh, he said… Not I but God! Jesus taught great formula for exaltation (Luke 18:14)

(3) Topic: God of Abraham,Isaac,acob{Exo.3:15}

Introduction :
Go d is not ashamed to be called their
God, and He prepared a city for them ( Heb . 11 : 16 )
Our forefathers did not live perfect life , they had drawback, shortcoming , failure ,
but still God loved them and put their names before Him! Because , they admitted and confessed they were strangers on the earth ! So , they were
longing better country , heavenly one!
God always saying first doing next ! God
created everything by His word and also He sustained all universe by His powerful word!
( Heb . 11 : 3 , 1 : 3 )
Abraham . . God of glory appeared to Abraham and gave him promises , and he left as the Lord said . . Great obedient !
God’ s promise is the foundation for his faith and obedience ! ( Gen . 12 : 1 – 4 )
Isaac . . . God’ s promise is the foundation for
success and prosperity ! ( Josh 1:8)
Jacob . . . God’ s promise is the foundation for life journey and destiny !

Christian life is higher thoughts , higher ways , and higher level( PS . 113 : 7 , 8 , Is . 55 : 9 )
God’ s leading is different! He can promote any way at any cost ! God has blessed Abraham in over night
( Gen . 12 : 10 – 20 )
God has blessed Isaac and Jocab by their hard works ( Gen . 26 : 12 – 16 , 31 : 42 , 32 : 10 )

Jehovah jireh. . He is the God who provide everything even before the need arises !
God has prepared everything for His children like Father !

(4) Topic: Your Journey is too great for you!

Introduction :
Two sides of Elijah
a . Dynamic Elijah
b.Depressed Elijah ( 1 King. 18 ,19 )
a . Dynamic Elijah . . Man of zealous for God,
Man of prayer, Man of faith!
b . Depressed Elijah . . The reasons for his depression . . He fogot past incident , what God has done , he consider himself as alone in the ministry , he consider himself as good .
How God deals with Elijah : ( 1 King19 : 5 – 8 )
a . Rest . . he slept two times!
b . Refresh. . God gave him delicious food two times !
c . Restored . . God gave him great plan !
After that Elijah walked day and night till mountain horeb ! Like wise God has kept great journey for us !

How to run successfully ?
The journey is too great for you!
Bible says Christian life is journey or race !
( 1 Cor9 : 24 – 27 )
1 . Let us throw off everything that inders our race ! Burdens is slows down our race , Sins is sucks pur spiritual energy !
( Heb . 12 : 1 )

2 . Let us run patiently which God has marked the race ! ( Illustration : about tortoise & rabbit )
Job ‘ s patience in suffering , Abraham ‘ s patience in fulfilling promise , Joseph ‘ s patience in fulfilling dreams
God has marked a race for us . . Church is the body of Christ , each member has different work , so each person is unique
in the sight of God

3 . Let us fix our eyes on Jesus !
In the world , people may criticize or praises , we should not look unto horizontal view but vertical view, to the
Lord Jesus ! He is the author and finisher of our faith!
E . g . Peter ( Matt . 14 : 22 – 32 )
May God give the grace to obey His word!

(5) Topic: Victorious life!

Introduction :
God always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ ! ( 2 Cor . 2 : 14
Victory is the birth right of Christian !
This victory is not earned by our ability It’ s already earned by our Lord Jesus Christ on the cross! ( Col . 2 : 13 – 15 )
We going to meditate about Daniel , who got great victory ! ( Dan 6:28)
Daniel Victory: he was prospered in two kingdoms , a continuous victory , no one can ‘ t shake Daniel career !
What are the driving forces in Daniel’ s life to brought him to the higher level of victory !

1 . Man of excellent ! ( Dan . 6 : 3 )
Daniel had excellent spirit. . Because of this excellent spirit, he so distinguished
himself among all officials !
Excellent spirit qualified him to do work in excellence ways !
Excellent spirit enable him to have exceptional qualities ( Dan . 5 : 12 , 14 )

2 . Man of faithfulness! ( Dan 6:4)
Daniel was faithfulness in his
responsibilities , no one can found fault in him
Children of God should live a faithful life !
According to Apost . Paul ‘ s statement…
Faithfulness is clear conscious before God and man ! ( Acts 24:16)

3 . Man of Prayer! ( Dan . 6 : 10 ) Daniel used to pray in three times, Usual prayer in unusual situation!
He knew the law , he knew that law can’t change , he knew the consequence of the law , that is lion’ s den. . but still he prayed
he never quit the prayer!

4 . Man of trust in God! ( Dan 6:23)
He had strong faith in God. . who can deliver from lion ‘ s mouth! By faith Daniel had shut the mouth of lions ! ( Heb . 11 : 33 ) Let ‘ s stop trusting man and start trusting God!

(6) Topic: Don’t come down from your position!

God has kept great lesson in this parable..olive tree, fig tree, and vine..they. realized how they are precious and they never came down to lower level (olive-fatness, fig-sweetness, vine-juice)
A Christian should not come down lower level! A Christian has no reverse gear! A Christian should not show back to the devil!
First we should know “who we are in Christ”
Bible shows a clear picture about us!
A four fold qualities(1Pet2:9)
a.Chosen generation
b.Royal priesthood
c.Peculiar people
d.Holy nation

Don’t come down!

1.Don’t come down from Holiness! (1Pet.1:15,16)
Some excuses for holiness!
-Its impossible
-only for special people
-God is responsible for holiness
-holiness is boring
-holiness is too burden
-it’s depending on situation
-it’s depending on character
Example: Joseph
a.Ever green statement..(Gen.39:9)
“How can i do this great wickedness and against God”
HOW CAN I…he knows who he is God
GREAT WICKEDNESS…he saw danger of sin
AGAINST GOD…he realized this is against God not against his master
b.he received dream from the Lord
c.he set his goal upon higher-reigning a country

2.Don’t come down from Vision
Example: Noah(Heb.11:7)
Vision about unseen, Vision about family, Vision about world
Joseph..Vision about higher life
Moses ..Vision about a leader

3.Don’t come down from faithful! Example: Job
God testify Job (Job.2:3)
Job himself testify (Job.27:5,6, 23:11,12)
Moses…he is faithful in every
Paul…he is faithful before God and men

4.Don’t come down from Decision!
Example: Daniel (Dan.1:8) Ruth (Ruth.1:16)

(7) Topic: God is Faithful!

Sometimes we are fail to be faithful but God never fail!

1.Faithful in Calling!
(1Thess5:24, 1Cor.1:9)
a.Abraham…to became father of nation
b.Moses …to becamea leader
c.Disciples…to became Fisher of men

2.Faithful in temptation!
a.God never test in a new way, what already people had temptation
b.God never test beyond our capacity
c.God will provide a way to escape or stand in the temptation

3.Faithful in Promise!
a.Gracious promise..He will
fulfill according to his grace!
b.Promise with authority(Eze.18:3)
c.Wait until it come to pass(Habb.2:3)
c.Promise has seal(2Cor.1:19)

4.Faithful in protection!
a.He is faithful to keep what we committed(2Tim1:12)
b.He is faithful to keep until we reach kingdom of God (2Tim4:18)
c.He is faithful to keep from falling(Jud24)
d.He is faithful to keep the covenant and favour(Deut.7:9)
5.Faithful in forgiveness!
God is very faithful in forgiveness..He will delete all our sins and remember no more!

(8) Topic: Jehovah jira-Provider!

It’s remarkable place-ordinary place became ex-ordinary place..because…
a.Goat’s blood was sheds-it’s shadow of crucifixion of Christ
Like ransom,price paid for release..”Jesus paid His life to release from captives of sin and death”
Jesus said this incident called “My day” (John.8:56)
b.Abraham’s faith was tested and made complete(James.2:21,22)..this incident proof of his genuine faith-act of without action is dead faith!
c.Promise of the Lord was confirmed..God has swear by His name and confirmed promise(Gen.22:15-18, Heb.6:13,16)
d.Temple was built in this place(2Chr3:1, 1Chr.21:28)

Abraham went through some stages!

1.Preparation! (Gen.22:3)
He got up early morning-prepared his donkey-he took his men-he cut wood-went out what God had told him “Availablility is greater than ability”
E.g…a.Moses(Exm34:1,2) b.Isaiah(Is.6)

2.Separation (Gen.22:5)
Abraham set apart his men…he may think, they will hindrance for his faith..we have to set apart everything that hindrance our faith..fear, doubt, worries, unbelief, and negative thoughts
E.g…a.Jacob (Gen.32) b.JesusMatt.26:36ff) b.Paul(Gal.1:16-18)

3.Co-operation (Gen.22:6)
Abraham & Isaac went together..Faith and obedient or faith and action always parallel…both they achieved Jehovah jirah
Co-operation is vital power to achieve something for God!
E.g…a.Moses & Joshua b.Daniel & friends c.Peter & John

4.Inspiration (Gen.22:8)
The Lord will provide…inspiration of faith
Abraham’s inspiration was based on word of God!
Confession built-up our faith-what we say we will possess!(Pro.18:21, Heb.11)

5.Demonstration (Gen.22:9,10)
Abraham demonstrate his faith by offered his only son…through obedience his faith was completed!(Jam.2:21ff)
Different obedience of Abraham
a.Difficult obedient(Gen.12:1.4)
b.Daring obedient(Gen.13:14-18)
c.Immediate obedient(17:9-14)
d.Devoted obedient(21:8-14)
e.Delightful obedient(22:1-14)

(9) Topic: Seven revelation about God in wedding of cana

Miracle of Jesus..a.To revel His Glory!
b.For compassion on people!
The instance and immediate miracle is peace of God!(Phil.4:7) There is revelation and truth in every miracle!

1.God’s presence is answer for every question and confusion!
Jesus was invited!
E.g…David..the secret of David’s victory is seeking God’s presence(1Sam.23:9-12)
Josephat…he didn’t depends on his army but he command to seek the God’s presence with fasting!(2Chr.20)
Testimony of Jesus…John.8:29,30

2.Jesus is our remedy for all our failure and shortcomings!(2:3)
Mary look unto Jesus! No vine!
Our God is removing all our shortcomings!
a.According to His riches…not our account, not our assets, not our influence but His heavenly riches!
b.In Christ…In other words not according to our righteous, talent, status but in Christ!
E.g. David tent(Amos.9:12)

3.God’s time is important! (2:4)
Our God is God of not urgent-His delays are not denial! (Eec.3:11, Hab.2:3, John.11:6)
Wait upon Lord!…God’s due time and His promise to be fulfilled.
E.g…Pillar of cloud(Num.9:18-23) His time on the cross(John.7:8,10) His time for glorification(John.7:30)
Let’s wait upon God’s due time!(1Pet.5:6)

4.Always God will choose despise things! (2:6)
God’s selection is so different from the world(1Cor1:27,28)
E.g…Israel people(Deut.7:7,8)
Parable of Jesus(Matt.22:1-4)
Mary from the town of Nazareth(Luk.1:27,28)

5.Obedience is the key to Blessing! (2:5-8)
Saul–a man who lost his kingdom because of his disobedience
Abraham–a man whose name is magnified because of obedience
Natural obedient…”fill the water”
Super natural obedient..”draw & take it”
FAITH+OBEDIENT=MIRACLE!..always goes parallel!

6.God will break every trend!(2:10)
Jesus is breaking Jewish tradition & trend! Sabbath day, Bethesda pool, loving Samaria people

7.God always gives best! (2:10)
Not a choice or cheap but best one!
E.g…a.Esther–best place!
b.Hannah–best child!
c.Solomon–best wise man!
d.Joseph–best position!

(10) Topic: God’s appointment will change your destiny!

God’s one appointment will change your future!
God’s appointment may be different!
E.g…Jacob–he met God face to face and he became Israel(Gen.32)
Jesus– He met temptation and He became famous through the whole country side(Luk.4:14)
Paul–he had appointment in Arabia and spent time with Lord-he became effective preacher!
David- an appointment to meet Goliath! {1Sam.17}

–Description of Goliath’s power…problem may big
–his challenge…choose a man!(17:8)
–No chosen man in the Saul’s leadership, Saul and all Israel were terrified and ran from Goliath with great fear(17:11,24)
–In Saul’s army 3 members mentioned but no one is able to meet Goliath
–Saul was announced a prize package for those who kills Goliath(17:25)
a.great wealth b.king’s daughter in marriage
c.exempt his father’s family from taxes in Israel
–still no one is dare to meet Goliath except David!
–this problem was 40days morning and evening(17:16)

1.God has always special appointment for chosen people!
David–Chosen by God(1Sam.16:1)
Many are called but few are chosen!
How God chose a person:
Simply by His grace and there is one reason to choose a person–to fulfill His desire or will (Acts.13:22.36 John.15:16)
Chosen people–they always humble, they know God and available for God and men!

2.There is reason behind every problem or challenge! (1Sam.17:29)
a.Joseph–there is reason behind when he was in the pit…if not,  he wouldn’t have been in Egypt
There is reason behind when he was in the prison…otherwise he would not have stand before Pharaoh!
a.Moses–there is reason behind Moses was in midian 40yrs…if not he would not meet God in the burning bush!
c.Paul and Silas–there is a reason behind when Paul and Silas were beaten and locked-up in prison…if not, the jailer and his family wouldn’t have been saved!

3.How we see our problem! (17:26)
–He saw everything by faith!
–David saw Israel army is army of living God!
–David saw Goliath is uncircumcised Philistine!
Why he mentioned circumcision?…because…
–It’s identification for covenant which God has made with Abraham(Gen.17:7-11)
–it’s seal to show righteous by faith(Romans.4:11)
–Saul saw David as young man without experience and he saw Goliath is champion
–but David saw himself as champion to overcame lion and bear when he was leading sheeps
–David saw Goliath as one of the animal like lion & bear!..he thought, it’s easy for me to overcome Goliath!
–Finally he consider Goliath as dog..a stone is enough to destroy him!(17:36,43)
We have to see by faith!
E.g. Moses has send 12 tribes to explore the land of cannon (Num.13,14)

4.Battle belongs to the Lord!
Saul gave his dress to David but it’s not fit for him..just he put off everything(17:38,39)
–law and grace can’t travel together!
–David realized this battle belongs to the Lord so, he might be thought I will not go with these sword, shield, and spear! I will go with name of the Lord and overcome Goliath.(17:45)
–then he challenging to all people..”the world will know there is God in Israel”
Not by sword or spear that the Lord saves!(17:46,47)
–David ran quickly, taking a stone, he slung it and struck on the Goliath’s forehead..the stone stick on his forehead..he fell face down on the ground..amazing!!(17:49)
–Here we will see picture of God’s sovereignty and man’s responsibility!
–David never boasting about his tremendous victory because he knows…
“Battle belongs to the Lord”
–but some women are singing and dancing and celebrating David’s victory!
–this one song made him famous! (1Sam.18:6,7)
God’s appointed always taking into another level and changes our destiny!!

11)Topic: Christian life-A Biblical view
If we read only old testament, we will be joyless Christian, other hand if we read new testament, we became careless Christian but if we embrace both, we will be balanced Christian. Always Bible talks about an important truth from Genesis to Revelation “God’s sovereignty and man’s responsibility. Christian life is full of both these aspects!

Christian life is life of replacement
When Jesus was doing ministry, He used to called Peter, James and John, He had inner circle disciples. There is reason behind it, He want to show that He is God of replacement! Peter means rock, James means supplant(replacement) and John means God is gracious. Amazing! In cross of Calvary, Jesus has replaced everything.

He become sin for us, in Him we might become the righteousness of God!(2 Cor 5:21)

He become curse for us, we might receive blessings!(Gal 3:13)

For our sake He became poor, so that we might become rich!(2 Cor 8:9)

2.Christian life is life of transformation

Jesus was transformed in front of His disciples in the mount of transfiguration.

Bible says, Don’t conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind(Rom 12:2)

Christian life is not outward appearance but it’s all about inner man, we have to grow day by day to be like Jesus, in other words, we have to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ!

E.g butterfly(metamorphosis)

Christian life is life of responsiblity

When Jesus was transformerd, Moses and Elijah was speaking with Jesus about His death. Peter forgot his responsible and he spoke about staying in the mount(Matt 17: )

Christian life is responsible in every area, first God, second family, third work or ministry, we should not change these list.

Christian life is life of living under grace

Here, Moses was represent as “law” and Elijah was represent as prophecy. During this incident, Father God was declared, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased” When they looked up, they saw no one except Jesus-grace!

Christian life is living under grace not under law(Rom 6:14)


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