What Bible says about Deliverance ministry?
What Bible says about Deliverance ministry?
If you are a soulwinning Christian you are already doing deliverance ministry, because salvation from sin is the greatest deliverance Jesus came to bring for mankind (Mt 1:21). It is erroneously thought that only those who are involved in the ministry of praying for the sick and casting out demons are in the deliverance ministry. This is only a part of the wholistic deliverance the Bible speaks about. A Biblical ministry of deliverance includes atleast seven aspects—
a) Deliverance from the bondage of the Law
Even though Christ has delivered us from the bondage of the Old Testament Law, numerous Christians do not enjoy the liberty in Christ Jesus (Rom 8:2,3; Gal 5:18). They live under the yoke of legalism which says, "Touch not, Taste not, Handle not!" (Col 2:20-22; Gal 5:1). This is due to a lack of understanding of the difference between Law and Grace (Jn 1:17). They never bubble with the joy of salvation. A spirit of gloominess and heaviness will surround them. They can be delivered from this state only through a practical exposition of Apostle Paul's Epistles like Romans, Galatians and Colossians.
b) Deliverance from the power of sin
Deliverance from the penalty of sin is instant at rebirth, but deliverance from the power of sin is a moment-by-moment exercise. This is otherwise called walking in the Spirit to overcome the works of the flesh (Gal 5:16-25). By "standing" we are already perfect and complete in Christ (Col 2:10); but by "state" we are growing into perfection (Col 1:28). Our sinful nature is not "eradicated" from us in this earthly life, but we can be "emancipated" from its power by the indwelling Christ and His Spirit. Without the knowledge of this liberating truth, Christians live miserably under guilt and condemnation (Rom8:1,33,34).
c) Deliverance from the curse of sickness
Though all sickness is not the direct result of sin in an individual's life, there was no sickness or death before our first parents sinned. Jesus commanded His disciples to heal the sick when He sent them to preach the gospel (Mt 10:7,8; Lk 9:2). Even though all may not be bestowed with the "gifts of healings," any Christian believer can "lay hands on the sick" and offer the "prayer of faith" (1 Cor 12:30; Mk 16:18; Js 5:15,16). Medical work done in the spirit and compassion of Christ is not inferior to miracle healing. God is the Healer in any case.
d) Deliverance from the oppressions of the devil
The devil plays havoc in the lives of people who know not God. Christ came to "destroy the works of the devil" (1 Jn 3:8b). Some Christians are exceptionally used by God in exorcism, but every Christian has the "authority" over the "power" of the enemy (Lk 10:19). Demons obeyed the seventy disciples of Christ even when they had least expected it (v17). He who is in us is greater than he who is in the world (1 Jn 4:4). Stay full of the Holy Spirit and deliver people from demonic oppression and demon possession (Acts 10:38). Learn from mature Christians and be a part of a team as you set out to deliver people.
e) Deliverance from social bondage
The prophets of old invariably called God's people to fight for justice on behalf of the poor, the fatherless and the widows and deliver them from the oppressors (Isa 1:17; Am 5:15,24). Patriarch Job testified, "I broke the fangs of the wicked and plucked the victim from his teeth" (Job 29:17,12-16). Missionary William Carey (1761-1834) alongwith Rajaram Mohan Roy crusaded against the "sati" system and persuaded the Government of India to ban it. Missionary Amy Carmichael (1861-1951) fought against temple prostitution. It is for such daring acts that the Lord has "anointed" us (Isa 61:1). Do whatever you can to enlighten the minds of people to be delivered from superstitious fears (Isa 42:6,7). There are more and bigger thieves outside the prison than inside. Ministry to prisoners is Christly (Lk 4:18; Heb 13:3).
f) Deliverance from bad habits
Even after a genuine experience of rebirth lots of individuals are unable to come out of certain addictive habits like smoking and drinking. The cry of these people is, "Don't tell me why; show me how!" If you desire to help them, you need lot of patience and compassion. Never condemn them and add guilt to their burden. Meditation and memorisation of the Scriptures, fullness of the Holy Spirit, close fellowship with believers, kind shepherding, good reading and busy occupations are the rehabilitation helps to be offered. All deliverance may not be instant. Give a helping hand to voluntary organisations which are committed to help such victims. There's nothing unspiritual about such partnership.
g) Deliverance from doctrinal deceptions
Doctrinal deception is a killing captivity. Paul says that one can escape this "snare of the devil" only if he comes back to his senses (2 Tim 2:24-26). Too many Christians are unaware that they hear only "doctrines of demons" from several pulpiteers who speak under the anointing of "deceiving spirits" (1 Tim 4:1). Bold Bible teachers are wanted to confront these agents of Lucifer and deliver people from their craftiness so they may not be "destroyed for lack of knowledge" (Hos 4:6). There is too much of preaching and too little teaching these days. Though not from a pulpit to large gatherings, give yourself to share sound doctrinal truths with individuals and small groups. This is the deliverance ministry desperately needed in the Church today.
If you are a soulwinning Christian you are already doing deliverance ministry, because salvation from sin is the greatest deliverance Jesus came to bring for mankind (Mt 1:21). It is erroneously thought that only those who are involved in the ministry of praying for the sick and casting out demons are in the deliverance ministry. This is only a part of the wholistic deliverance the Bible speaks about. A Biblical ministry of deliverance includes atleast seven aspects—
a) Deliverance from the bondage of the Law
Even though Christ has delivered us from the bondage of the Old Testament Law, numerous Christians do not enjoy the liberty in Christ Jesus (Rom 8:2,3; Gal 5:18). They live under the yoke of legalism which says, "Touch not, Taste not, Handle not!" (Col 2:20-22; Gal 5:1). This is due to a lack of understanding of the difference between Law and Grace (Jn 1:17). They never bubble with the joy of salvation. A spirit of gloominess and heaviness will surround them. They can be delivered from this state only through a practical exposition of Apostle Paul's Epistles like Romans, Galatians and Colossians.
b) Deliverance from the power of sin
Deliverance from the penalty of sin is instant at rebirth, but deliverance from the power of sin is a moment-by-moment exercise. This is otherwise called walking in the Spirit to overcome the works of the flesh (Gal 5:16-25). By "standing" we are already perfect and complete in Christ (Col 2:10); but by "state" we are growing into perfection (Col 1:28). Our sinful nature is not "eradicated" from us in this earthly life, but we can be "emancipated" from its power by the indwelling Christ and His Spirit. Without the knowledge of this liberating truth, Christians live miserably under guilt and condemnation (Rom8:1,33,34).
c) Deliverance from the curse of sickness
Though all sickness is not the direct result of sin in an individual's life, there was no sickness or death before our first parents sinned. Jesus commanded His disciples to heal the sick when He sent them to preach the gospel (Mt 10:7,8; Lk 9:2). Even though all may not be bestowed with the "gifts of healings," any Christian believer can "lay hands on the sick" and offer the "prayer of faith" (1 Cor 12:30; Mk 16:18; Js 5:15,16). Medical work done in the spirit and compassion of Christ is not inferior to miracle healing. God is the Healer in any case.
d) Deliverance from the oppressions of the devil
The devil plays havoc in the lives of people who know not God. Christ came to "destroy the works of the devil" (1 Jn 3:8b). Some Christians are exceptionally used by God in exorcism, but every Christian has the "authority" over the "power" of the enemy (Lk 10:19). Demons obeyed the seventy disciples of Christ even when they had least expected it (v17). He who is in us is greater than he who is in the world (1 Jn 4:4). Stay full of the Holy Spirit and deliver people from demonic oppression and demon possession (Acts 10:38). Learn from mature Christians and be a part of a team as you set out to deliver people.
e) Deliverance from social bondage
The prophets of old invariably called God's people to fight for justice on behalf of the poor, the fatherless and the widows and deliver them from the oppressors (Isa 1:17; Am 5:15,24). Patriarch Job testified, "I broke the fangs of the wicked and plucked the victim from his teeth" (Job 29:17,12-16). Missionary William Carey (1761-1834) alongwith Rajaram Mohan Roy crusaded against the "sati" system and persuaded the Government of India to ban it. Missionary Amy Carmichael (1861-1951) fought against temple prostitution. It is for such daring acts that the Lord has "anointed" us (Isa 61:1). Do whatever you can to enlighten the minds of people to be delivered from superstitious fears (Isa 42:6,7). There are more and bigger thieves outside the prison than inside. Ministry to prisoners is Christly (Lk 4:18; Heb 13:3).
f) Deliverance from bad habits
Even after a genuine experience of rebirth lots of individuals are unable to come out of certain addictive habits like smoking and drinking. The cry of these people is, "Don't tell me why; show me how!" If you desire to help them, you need lot of patience and compassion. Never condemn them and add guilt to their burden. Meditation and memorisation of the Scriptures, fullness of the Holy Spirit, close fellowship with believers, kind shepherding, good reading and busy occupations are the rehabilitation helps to be offered. All deliverance may not be instant. Give a helping hand to voluntary organisations which are committed to help such victims. There's nothing unspiritual about such partnership.
g) Deliverance from doctrinal deceptions
Doctrinal deception is a killing captivity. Paul says that one can escape this "snare of the devil" only if he comes back to his senses (2 Tim 2:24-26). Too many Christians are unaware that they hear only "doctrines of demons" from several pulpiteers who speak under the anointing of "deceiving spirits" (1 Tim 4:1). Bold Bible teachers are wanted to confront these agents of Lucifer and deliver people from their craftiness so they may not be "destroyed for lack of knowledge" (Hos 4:6). There is too much of preaching and too little teaching these days. Though not from a pulpit to large gatherings, give yourself to share sound doctrinal truths with individuals and small groups. This is the deliverance ministry desperately needed in the Church today.
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