
Showing posts from April, 2016

Signs of deception!

Signs of Deception How do you know a person is deceived ? 1. Deceived person begin to thinks, he is unique and feels he is received revelation no one else got! 2. Deceived person more and more interested in spoken word rather than written word, he embrace extra Biblical revelation as a new thing from God, he crosses the Biblical boundaries and he shows unusual interest in personal prophecy! 3. He is over excited about dreams, visions, voices and spectacular physical manifestation, he keep hunting for novelty! 4. He stress one doctrine of experience at the cost of the rest! 5. He doesn't counsel from matured Leaders, he thinks, he gets everything directly from Heaven! 6. He is hard on others and soft on himself! 7. He is develop unusual interest in hidden and secrets things rather showing interest in searching Scriptures deeply! 8. Practical interest in mission and evangelism is slowly dies up! 9. He doesn't accept criticism objectively! 10. D...

Does God give us a blueprint for life? 

Does God give us a blueprint for life? The restoration of the operation of the gifts of revelation, namely Prophesying, Word of Wisdom and Word of Knowledge, has refreshingly reassured us that God does speak today. But one of the misuses of these gifts is evident when preachers who claim to have these gifts promise believers a blueprint for their lives. Though such a promise may be exciting, it is definitely not in line with the teaching of theBible. God does not give us a blueprint but a map and a compass. If there's a blueprint there's no room for choices. We will be simply dictated by the details of the blueprint rather than directed by the Spirit of the Lord. Life will become dimensionless. It's the element of uncertainty that adds excitement to life and strengthens faith. Of Abraham, the father of those who believe, it is said, "He went out, not knowing where he was going" (Heb 11:8). This is walking by faith. We don't need to know "what...

When temptation comes, Fix your eyes on Jesus!

When temptation comes, Fix your eyes on Jesus! Look to Jesus. The answer is in Him. He was tempted like us "in all points" but He overcame (Heb 4:15). "He is able to aid those who are tempted" (Heb 2:18). On our part we are to first surrender the organs of our body as a living sacrifice on God's altar (Rom 12:1). We are no more ours. We are bought with a price. We belong to God. Make a covenant with your eyes that you will no more look at someone lustfully (Job 31:1). Present your hands to God so it may not touch the forbidden. And your legs not to go where Christ Himself would not go. And so on (Rom 6:13). Remind yourself of this commitment each morning. The power to say no to sin is yours by the indwelling Christ. You are dead, buried, raised and seated with Christ (Rom 6:3,4; Eph 2:4-6). Meditate on this fact of identification with Christ as often as possible. To receive a fresh supply of strength to resist temptation Christ has taught us to pray. ...

Don't go after titles like Rev, Dr, Bishop!

Don't go after titles like Rev, Dr, Bishop! In the Old Testament there was a distinction between the members of the congregation and the ministers. Only the prophets, priests and kings were anointed. But under the New Covenant, the Holy Spirit comes on "all flesh"— that is, all the people of God— "sons, daughters, young men, old men, menservants, maidservants" (Acts 2:16-18). All believers in Christ are kings and priests to God now and in eternity (1 Pet 2:9; Rev 1:4-6). There are no two groups called clergy and laity. All of God's people are clergy. Each believer is a minister to God and people with varying responsibilities and various gifts. Even before the New Covenant was actually established, Jesus spoke against the Jewish synagogue practice of using special titles and wearing special dresses (Mt 23:1-10). His twofold argument was: "One is your Father who is in heaven... You are all brothers." In any matter, the words of Christ are fina...